The Nursing Education Unit (NEU)


Schools of Nursing and Midwifery


The Schools of Nursing and Midwifery are institutions of higher learning, which provide Basic General Nursing Education, Basic Psychiatric Nursing Education, Nursing Assistant Training, Post Basic Midwifery Education and other Post Basic Nursing Specialties. The Programmes are run by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, therefore, there is no cost attached to these Nursing Programmes.


Nursing and Midwifery Education Programmes are dedicated to the preparation of personnel committed to excellence in professional education and practice, who will use critical thinking skills in the delivery of evidence – based quality nursing education, as well as, collaboration with other professionals, including policy makers and communities, in shaping health education policies to meet the healthcare needs of the population.

Mission Statement

The Schools of Nursing and Midwifery are engaged in educating individuals to become nursing personnel, equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the delivery of quality care to the population of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Schools use the Nursing Process, evidenced-based learning and technological advances, to ensure the highest level of professional development of the individual student.

Programmes Offered

The courses of study are offered on a full-time basis. Students are selected based on their academic qualifications and performance at the selection interview.

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 * The Registered General Nurse/Registered Psychiatric Nurse Programme certification is recognised regionally and internationally.

Intakes for the General, Psychiatric and Nursing Assistant Training Programmes are advertised on the Ministry of Education’s website and the Facebook page of the Nursing Education Unit.

Nursing Education Programmes

Registered General Nurse/Registered Psychiatric Nurse Programme
The criteria for applying for the Registered General Nurse/Registered Psychiatric Nurse Programme is that candidates

1. Must be nationals of Trinidad & Tobago from the age of 17

2. MUST possess five (5) CXC/CSEC subjects, General Proficiency Grades I, II and III (from 1998 onwards), inclusive of:

  • English Language
  • A Science subject (Human and Social Biology, GCE ‘O’Level Grades A, B and C will be accepted), Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Integrated Science
  • A subject which shows proficiency in Mathematics (such as Mathematics or Principles of Accounts) AND
  • Two other reading subjects e.g. Geography, History, English Literature and Social Studies.

3. Candidates must also obtain a student nurse permit from the Nursing Council of Trinidad & Tobago.

Nursing Assistant Training Programme
The criteria for applying for the Nursing Assistant Training Programme is that candidates

1. Must be nationals of Trinidad & Tobago from the age of 17 and

2. MUST possess three (3) CXC/CSEC subjects, General Proficiency Grades I, II and III (from 1998 onwards), inclusive of:

  • English Language
  • A Science subject (Human and Social Biology, GCE ‘O’Level Grades A, B and C will be accepted), Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Integrated Science AND
  • One (1) other reading subject e.g. Geography, History, English Literature or Social Studies.

Candidates DO NOT need to obtain a student nurse permit from the Nursing Council of Trinidad & Tobago for this programme.  

Specialist Nursing Programmes

Applicants must be Registered Nurses with three (3) years working experience as a prerequisite for the Specialised Programme Specialist Nursing Programmes are conducted at the School of Community Health and Post Basic Nursing Education. 

Specialist Nursing Programmes are conducted at the School of Community Health and Post Basic Nursing Education.

Locations & Contact Information 

Schools are located in the north and south Trinidad and are easily accessed from the main thoroughfares. These locations are:
Schools of Nursing

  • School of Nursing, Port of Spain Level 1, Ministry of Education 622-2181 ext. 2040
  • School of Psychiatric Nursing, St. Ann’s, St. Ann’s Hospital, St. Ann’s (no telephone)
  • School of Nursing, San Fernando, OWTU building, Palms Club, 160 Pointe-a-Pierre Road, San Fernando 657-2772
  • School of Community Health and Post Basic Nursing Education 2nd Floor, Frederick Court, 43-45 Frederick Street, Port of Spain 625-5550
  • Nursing Assistant Training School, Port of Spain, Level 1, Ministry of Education
  • Nursing Assistant Training School, San Fernando #5A Lord Street, San Fernando 653-9079

School of Midwifery

  • School of Midwifery, Port of Spain, Level 1, Ministry of Education 622-2181 ext. 2032
  • School of Midwifery, San Fernando General Hospital, San Fernando 652-3148

Our Nursing and Midwifery Programmes are affiliated with the: 

  • General Hospital, Port of Spain  
  • Mt. Hope Women’s Hospital 
  • Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex 
  • General Hospital, San Fernando
  • Sangre Grande Hospital
  • Scarborough General Hospital, Tobago  
  • All Health Centers and Health Facilities throughout Trinidad and Tobago


The Nursing Education Unit
Ministry of Education
Level 11, Building A
Education Towers
No. 5 St. Vincent Street,
Port of Spain.
Tel: (868)622-2181 (Ext. 2000/2001)
Fax: (868)623-5766)
Facebook: Nursing Education Unit, Ministry of Education