VAPA Folk Fest – Drama


Trinidad and Tobago’s folklore is a key feature in the national curricula. At the foundation level, students are expected to identify characters from our local folklore and individually present a roleplay of a given character using voice, body movement and costuming. Similarly, at the Secondary level, students of Form Two are expected to research these characters, providing a description and comparison of their features and more deeply identify social values from investigating these characters. Project presentation, oral descriptions and storytelling are all suggested as means of assessment of this topic. Thus, this national competition, open to Form Two students of both public and private schools, is an opportunity to heighten the knowledge and appreciation of this pivotal feature in our school curriculum and to entrench notions of environmental awareness, national and cultural identity, and school pride.  

Competition Guidelines

  • Launch of Competition: March 31st 2023
    • Preliminary Round:
  • Monologues and Dramatic Scenes must be original/devised work (not published).
  • There is no limit to the size of groups for the Dramatic Scene.
  • For both categories, pieces must be three to five (3-5) minutes.
  • Schools will be required to submit unedited video entries to a competition Microsite or email in an MP4 format only. (Forminator link for Submission of Video)
  • Video Entries will be adjudicated by the viewing of online submissions only.
  • There is no semi-final round.
    • Final Round:
  • Finalists will be invited to perform at a venue to be determined.
  • Rules from the Preliminary round apply.
  • Adjudication for the Best Folklore Costuming will take place at the Final Round.
  • Finalists will also be shared via the Ministry of Education’s Social Media platforms to allow for voting for the People’s Choice award. 
  • Winners in each category, Dramatic Scene and Monologue, will be invited to perform at the VAPA Folk Festival showcase.  
  • A Talent Release Form must be completed by parent/guardian for each performer – Talent Release Form 


Registration &Submission

DRAMA Information Required for Registration Form upon submission of entry, not prior to submission (a separate form for each contestant even if from the same school)

Talent Release Form – For upload for registration (download sign print and re-upload)

Registration and Video Submission


  • Academic School Year 2022/2023 Term 2/3
  • March 2023- 16 October 2023

Target Audience/Beneficiaries

  • Students of public and private schools :
  • Forms 2 – of all government and government assisted secondary schools in Trinidad