Digital Transformation Policy
Digital transformation allows the Ministry of Education to make strategic decisions that impact the education sector with present and future technological advances in mind. The impact of digital transformation initiatives is profound in that the extensive cost savings realised, along with the efficiencies gained, contribute to the Ministry of Education’s commitment to improving public sector service delivery and public sector perception.
These digital transformation initiatives introduce all stakeholders to a connected experience, which drives the receipt of data that is analysed in real time, to be used as the basis for strategic decisions taken by the Ministry of Education.
For some time, the Ministry of Education has been developing digital transformation initiatives, and active development of systems followed by the requisite monitoring and evaluation is expected to continue into 2027.
The vision of the MOE’s Digital Transformation Programme:
“Efficient development of globally competitive citizens.”
The goals of the Programme are as follows
- To promote a learner centred education system.
- To allow for digital fluency at all levels in the education system and among all stakeholders.
- To encourage continuous learning and development (teaches 21st century skills).
- To promote continuous stakeholder and client engagement for continued buy-in and adoption.
- To improve teacher efficiency and effectiveness.
- To reduce workload at the technical and administrative level.
- To improve stakeholder communications.
- To ensure efficiency in project implementation and monitoring.
- To build resilience and continuity and minimises loss of learning.
- To allow for learning at individualised pace.
- To creates databases, which can be used to generate a variety of reports for monitoring schools and student performance.
- To improve school academic performance and student achievement
- To enhance the delivery of quality, equitable educational opportunities
- To achieve cost reductions in the administration of examinations and school operations
Target Audience
The following groups are the intended beneficiaries of the Digital Transformation Policy:
- Students
- Educators
- Parent/Guardian
- School Supervisors and Principals
- Ministry of Education Staff
- Ministry of Education Stakeholders
Key Activities/Elements
The Digital Transformation Programme currently consists of a suite of thirteen projects/products/services. These solutions provide unique individual and collective benefits to users. These products and services are at various levels of implementation. This suite of projects stands to be augmented, as the MOE continues to be responsive to changing local and global circumstances.
The 13 Digital Projects comprising the Digital Transformation Plan are as follows:
- School Learning Management System (SLMS)
- E-book Platform
- Literacy and Numeracy Adaptive Learning Platform
- Student Management System
- Open Educational Resources (OERs)
- National Online Open and Innovative School
- Student Digital Literacy
- Human Resource Support (IHRIS/Document Management)
- School Issue Management System – SIMS
- E-testing
- Quick Response Identification Cards for Students
- Device Provision for Staff, Teachers and Students
- Scholarship/Bursaries Management Platform