“Celebrating 60” Essay Competition
In recognition of Trinidad and Tobago’s 60th Anniversary of Independence and 46th Anniversary as a Republic, schools are invited to participate in the “Celebrating 60” Essay Competition for students of the primary and secondary schools.
Students will write a narrative essay based on topics attached:
Target Audience
This competition will be opened to students from September 24 to October 14, 2022 in the following categories:
- Upper Secondary level: Forms Four (4) to Six (6);
- Lower Secondary level: Forms One (1) to Three (3)
- Primary level :Standards Four (4) & Five (5).
Prizes will be awarded to the winning school in each of the three (3) categories as well as for the students in the top three (3) places.
Guidelines for “Celebrating 60” Essay Competition
The following will be the three (3) phases of the Competition:
- In each participating school, teachers will mark the essays using the approved rubric and select the three (3) best essays for per level (upper primary, lower secondary, upper secondary) and submit to the district office by the deadline – October 14,2022.
- The District Leadership Teams (DLTs) will organise for the marking of all scripts submitted, for the three (3) different categories, in each district.
- A panel of five (5) teachers) within each district, sourced by the DLTs, will assist with the judging/scoring of the essays.
- The three (3) best essays in each category will be selected from each district to advance to the finals by the deadline – October 28, 2022.
- The Schools Supervisors IIIs and IIs for each district, will also be responsible for selecting one (1) teacher for each category for the final marking.
- Hardcopies of the essays for the finals, must be submitted by the deadline – November 4, 2022, to the Director of School Supervision, Ministry of Education, St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain.