In keeping with the Teaching Service Commission revised policy on transfer of officers holding an appointment in Administrative Offices in the Teaching Service, the Ministry of Education is now inviting suitably qualified persons who are currently employed in the Primary and Secondary School System to submit applications for transfer for the following Administrative Offices:

1. Principal (Secondary)

2. Vice Principal (Secondary

3. Head of Department (Secondary)

4. Dean (Secondary)

5. Principal (Primary)

6. Vice Principal (Primary)

7. Head of Department (Primary)

8. Senior Teacher (Primary)

Officers who hold a substantive appointment in an Administrative office in the Teaching Service must consider the following when applying for transfer.

  • the officer who is desirous of being transferred from his/her substantive school to any other school can apply to a school where a similar vacancy exists.
  • officers holding an appointment in an Administrative Office in the Teaching Service should normally serve at their current school for a period of three (3) years
  • the officer must state the specific reason/s for the transfer
  • the profile of the school in which the officer is requesting the transfer
  • the endorsement/non-objection of the respective Denominational Board where necessary

The Teaching Service Commission will consider request for transfer; however, officers are required to submit their application for transfer (on the prescribed form) for their school of choice to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education no later than May 02, 2025.

Please note that you will be required to attend an interview to determine your suitability for the school of your choice.