Special Assessment Arrangements (Special Concessions) for Primary and Secondary School Students Writing Local Examinations 2025
The deadline for the submission of application forms by parents/ guardians is July 15, 2024.
The submission of application forms for candidates who are to resit in 2025, should also adhere to this deadline date.
Principals of primary and secondary schools, and private candidates in Trinidad and Tobago are required to complete online applications for the provision of Special Concessions for students with diagnosed disabilities and other special educational needs, who will sit local examinations for 2025.
Special Concessions will be offered to eligible students who are registered for the following local examinations:
- Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) 2025;
- Lower Secondary Proficiency Examination (LSPE) 2025.
- Trinidad & Tobago National Learning Assessment (TTNLA) Primary (Standards 1 & 3)
- Trinidad & Tobago National Learning Assessment (TTNLA) Secondary (Form 3)
Students may qualify for special concessions under the following circumstances:
a.Students with Learning Disabilities/ Neurodevelopmental/ Psychiatric Disorders/ Conditions:
Applications for students with learning disabilities, neurodevelopmental, psychiatric disorders must be accompanied by comprehensive formal psychoeducational/ psychiatric report (valid for a maximum of three (3) years from the date of the report), from a professional/organisation qualified to do same.
b. Students with Medical, Physical and Sensory Impairments:
Applications for students with medical, physical and sensory impairments must be accompanied by formal medical letter or evaluation report from a recognized medical institution or professional (valid for a maximum of one (1) year from the date of the report).
c.Other special circumstances:
Any other special circumstances, under which a special concession for the day of the examination may be required, should be submitted for the consideration of this Ministry.
Guidelines for Submission of Applications for Special Concessions:
Parent/Guardian/Private candidates
- Applications must be completed by the parent/ guardian via the concessions portal on the prescribed form available on the Ministry of Education’s website at https://concessions.moe.gov.tt.
- A copy of the student’s Birth Certificate MUST be uploaded, along with all supporting documents as identified at items (a) and (b) above.
- Upon submission of the application form, parents /guardians will receive a confirmation e-mail with a reference number. The reference number can be used for any further queries.
- The deadline for the submission of application forms by parents/ guardians is July 15, 2024. The submission of application forms for candidates who are to resit in 2025, should also adhere to this deadline date.
- Special Concessions which may be granted and the general criteria for such concessions are stated in the “Procedural Guidelines for the Provision of Special Assessment Arrangements (Special Concessions) for Students Writing Local Examinations”
- Information can also be accessed via the following infographic: Frequently Asked Questions
- Once a parent submits an application form for Special Concessions, the school will receive a notification requiring the principal to log in the concession’s portal
- Principals will be required to complete the School Questionnaire and upload a completed copy of the student’s Cumulative Record Card MUST be submitted, along with all supporting documents.
Emergency Applications
Applications for special concessions resulting from EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ONLY, which adversely affect students’ performance, may be submitted for consideration after the given deadline date, no more than six (6) weeks but no later than two (2) weeks prior to the examination. Applications received after this deadline, particularly for the Secondary Entrance Assessment 2025 may be deferred and processed for the first sitting of the Supplementary (Make-Up) Examination.
- An updated application must be re-submitted for any student previously approved for a special concession, and who is repeating the Secondary Entrance Assessment, or any other local examination.
- Students for whom applications have been submitted may be visited/contacted by officers of the Student Support Services Division, Ministry of Education, for verification of information submitted.
(Please note that this deadline refers only to local examinations, and as such does not refer to the deadline for concessions applications for the CSEC and CAPE Examinations).
Failure to provide the requested documentation by the stated deadline may result in non-approval of request for special concessions.
The submission of an application does not guarantee its approval.
The Notice of Approval/Non-Approval of Applications for Special Concessions for students writing all Local Examinations in 2025 will be forwarded to the Principals of the respective schools, or to the parents/guardians of private candidates, by the Supervisor of Examinations. If you have not received any feedback on applications submitted by December 13, 2024, please contact the Examination Section via telephone at 622-2181 Ext. 1103, 1106, 1110 and 1113.
Principals are required to bring this information to the attention of the teachers and parents of all students who are eligible for any of the examinations identified.
Please be guided accordingly.