Teacher Education Performance and Professional Development Division (TEPPDD)


The Teacher Education, Performance and Professional Development Division (TEPPDD) is responsible for the advancement of professional development of all ECCE, Primary, Secondary and Special Needs Teachers, Principals, Vice Principals and Administrators within the public education sector. 

TEPPDD is unceasingly committed to providing quality training at all levels through a comprehensive two-year professional development introduction for new teachers, as well as continuous professional development and monitoring of performance standards for in-service teachers. This component ensures that teachers, school administrators and supporting monitoring and evaluation officers are equipped with the necessary methodological skills and aligned competencies to facilitate both face-to-face and hybrid instruction and assessment. 


A high performing, dynamic and vibrant Division, responsive to the needs of stakeholders and which works collaboratively, efficiently and effectively to educate and develop teachers to produce


To manage Teaching and Teacher Development to produce and advance teachers who are competent and adequately equipped to:

  • Efficiently and effectively implement school curriculum
  • Improve student performance
  • Help students to achieve the value outcomes consistent with the national vision for our children.


  • Induction Programme (Two year training for new teacher)
  • Continuous Professional Development for Administrators and Teachers 
  • Administrative Leadership Training
  • Virtual training in best-practices of web-based pedagogies of instruction 
  • Teacher support in methodology and best-practices in distance learning 
  • National Open School of Trinidad and Tobago (NIOSTT)
  • Research in leading practices and performance requirements for Teaching and Teacher Development 
  • Set professional standards for Teaching and Teachers


The Teaching Education,
Performance and Professional
Development Division (TEPPDD)
Ministry of Education
Level 11, Building A
Education Towers
No. 5 St. Vincent Street,
Port of Spain.
Phone: 1(868) 622-2181 (Ext. 2023 – 2027, 2029, 2031)
E-mail: tetpcpdd@moe.gov.tt