School Intervention Programme

(Turn Up, Don’t Give Up)

Engagement of Volunteer Youth Mentors

Engagement of Volunteer Youth Mentors

Application Form

The delivery of monthly motivational sessions to students of forms 1 – 3 at 26 identified schools in Trinidad

The Turn Up, Don’t Give Up Mentorship sessions are intended to:

  1. Deliver key messages to address identified challenges which manifest in student indiscipline.
  2. Support the work of the SSSD in addressing identified issues specific to the school.
  3. Share relatable stories as a form of empowerment for students.
  4. Provide an outlet for positive expression and stimulate interest in positive pursuits.
  5. Support the development of a feeling of control and motivate students.


Contact Information

Trinidad & Tobago +1

Mentorship Placement

Identify your preferred school should you be selected as a mentor. (Note: Placement is not guaranteed)


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Reference Information

List 2 references and their contact information
Trinidad & Tobago +1
Trinidad & Tobago +1

Other Information

A social media handle is a public username used on social media accounts.0 / 1000
Can you commit to facilitating at least three (3) monthly, one (1) hour, motivational sessions with students of forms 1 -3 using age-appropriate approaches? *
Can you commit to submitting weekly updates and a final report upon completion of each term’s activities? *