Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme (YTEPP)

YTEPP Limited is a training organization with a focus on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) throughout Trinidad and Tobago. Established in 1988, through World Bank funding, and with the Ministry of Education – Tertiary Education Division’s oversight and national policy direction on TVET, YTEPP has evolved into an organization that meets the labour market demands of industry. The organization targets unemployed youth, retrenched employees and displaced citizens between 15 and 60 years. YTEPP Limited is a limited liability company and is governed by a Board of Directors, and executive operations are headed by the Chief Executive Officer. Skills training is available throughout the country at YTEPP’s full time training centres, part-time centres and through its community based projects.  Due to the current pandemic, classes are being conducted via online platforms.

Contact Information

YTEPP Ltd. Head Office
Woodford Lodge Road, Woodford Lodge,
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I
Tel: (868)672-5411
Tel: (868)672-YTEP(9837)
Fax: (868)671-2480